Silicone breast implants also do not last forever and there are several medical reasons why patients might want or need to have their implants removed (see breast implant problem page), and a thorough discussion of the options is needed for each patient.

Increasingly, as the modern aesthetic changes to a more athletic look and as we focus more on well-being in society, many patients want to have their breast implants removed.

Young woman smiling while having breakfast at bed

Importantly Mr Harris will discuss with every patient, the options for the capsular scar tissue that is positioned around the breast implant. If this is left in place then the surgery can be relatively straightforward, whereas if the capsule is removed (capsulectomy) this can become a much more complex procedure. Despite lots of discussion on social media, this is quite a complex issue at the moment as new scientific data is reported, and recommendations therefore change.

Young woman smiling while having breakfast at bed

Following breast implant removal, and irrespective of the decision on what to do with the capsule, the breast can look very empty or saggy.

For this reason, the majority of patients who have their implants removed also request additional procedures to limit the visible impact of the volume loss. These procedures include fat transfer or lipofilling, and breast uplift or mastopexy. These additional procedures are carried at the same time as the implant removal, and there are some specialised techniques in this area of surgery to manage the empty pocket where the breast implant sat. For example, Mr Harris often uses a technique called auto-augmentation which involves positioning the lower part of the breast into the pocket of the implant to produce a more aesthetic and youthful result. This is shown on the animation below.

There are many potential benefits associated with breast implant removal, some include:

Relief from Discomfort: Some individuals may experience physical discomfort or pain related to their breast implants, which can include symptoms like back pain, chest tightness, or discomfort caused by the weight of the implants. Removal can alleviate these issues.

Improved Physical Comfort: Breast implant removal can lead to improved physical comfort, as it eliminates the pressure and restriction associated with implants, allowing for more natural movement and freedom.

Correction of Complications: Breast implants can sometimes lead to complications such as capsular contracture, implant rupture, or implant malposition. Removal is often necessary to address these issues and restore breast health.

Restoration of Natural Appearance: Some people opt for implant removal to return to their natural breast appearance. This may be due to personal preference or a change in aesthetic goals.

Simplified Lifestyle: Breast implants can require special considerations in terms of clothing and activities. Some people choose to have implants removed to simplify their lifestyle and return to a more natural state.

Peace of Mind: For those who are concerned about the long-term safety and maintenance of breast implants, removal can offer peace of mind by eliminating the need for future revisions or implant replacements.

Improved Self-Esteem: Some individuals may feel more confident and at ease with their natural breasts, leading to an increase in self-esteem and body image after implant removal.

Reduced Risk of Future Complications: The longer breast implants are in place, the higher the risk of potential complications. Removing the implants can reduce the risk of future problems.

Reduced Financial Burden: Breast implants require initial costs and may need replacement or revision surgeries over time, which can add up. Explantation eliminates the need for further financial investment in implant maintenance.

Restoration of Breast Health: Breast implant removal allows for a return to normal breast health and can be beneficial for individuals concerned about the impact of implants on breast tissue and overall well-being.