Breast augmentation surgery, more commonly referred to as getting breast implants, is a choice many women consider for various reasons. Whether you’re seeking to enhance your body’s contour, rebuild your breast following a mastectomy, or boost your confidence, it’s essential to approach this decision well-informed. Here are key points to ponder if you’re contemplating breast implants.

  1. Types of Breast Implants

Primarily, there are two types of implants:

  • Silicone Gel-Filled Implants are pre-filled with silicone gel, a thick fluid that closely mimics the feel of human fat. Many women believe these offer a more natural look and feel.
  • Saline-Filled Implants are inserted empty into your breast area and then filled with sterile saltwater. If a leak occurs, the saline will be safely absorbed and expelled by your body.

Each type has its pros and cons, so discussing these with your surgeon is crucial to decide which is best for you.

  1. Risks and Considerations

While breast implant surgery is generally safe, like any surgery, it comes with its share of risks, such as infection, changes in nipple or breast sensation, and implant leakage or rupture. It’s also important to note that implants may not last a lifetime and could require replacement.

  1. The Procedure

Knowing what the procedure entails can alleviate much of the anxiety surrounding the surgery. Typically performed under general anaesthesia, the surgery lasts one to two hours, followed by a recovery period. Discussing the operation steps, recovery, and follow-up care with your surgeon is vital for a smooth experience.

  1. Post-Surgery Expectations

After the surgery, it’s normal to experience soreness, swelling, and a feeling of tightness in the chest area. Your surgeon will advise on managing post-op discomfort and when it’s safe to return to daily activities.

  1. Importance of Choosing the Right Surgeon

Ensuring your surgeon is board-certified and has extensive experience in breast augmentation is paramount. A skilled surgeon not only enhances your chances of achieving your desired outcome but also minimises the risk of complications.

  1. Consultation Is Key

An initial consultation with your surgeon should include a discussion about your expectations, options, potential risks, and outcomes. This is the time to ask questions and express any concerns.

Considering breast implants is a significant decision with many facets to consider. By thoroughly researching and consulting with qualified professionals, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your aesthetic goals and health considerations.